ELI Asia’s 10th Anniversary
10 years is an achievement, a milestone indeed but one that is not possible without the grace of God. Developing biblical leaders for the local church is far from a simple walk in the park. Challenges are found at every corner but in every situation, we face, God has always been there to meet us. To provide for our needs, to strengthen our leaders, to equip our growing faculty and to bring us students who will also teach what they learned to their local congregations. We have been blessed in numbers as we continue to grow but the biggest blessing is the privilege of bringing the gospel to the local…
ELI Asia Newsletter | May-August 2022 | Issue 02
ELI Asia cannot fully equip a local church if its leaders are not supportive of what it does, “to develop biblical leaders for the local church.” That’s why we are truly blessed that God has added another to our growing family. Community Bible Church of Marikina is a church that desires for their members’ true spiritual growth, one that can be achieved by providing them with biblical equipping. We praise the Lord for the privilege to partner with them. As its initial offering, the campus will conduct Hermeneutics. Our ministry of providing affordable ministerial and theological training to pastors and lay leaders are made possible by the financial support of…