About Us

What is ELI Asia?


Evangelical Leadership Institute Asia seeks to enable Christian leaders to acquire theological and ministerial education equivalent to those offered in Bible colleges, without leaving their churches for a long time. The goal of the program is to train Christian leaders and workers for ministry, while in ministry without having to leave their secular or full-time Christian vocations.

The ELIAsia Leadership Programs are designed in such a way that face-to-face lectures and classroom discussions, and independent readings and research are integrated.


ELIAsia exists to serve and function as the theological education and training arm of the local church, and aims to train present and potential church leaders and pastors by providing theological and ministerial education and training. We come alongside churches to develop pastors and Christian leaders so that they can more effectively shepherd their congregations, and equip them to make disciples for Christ.


It is the vision of ELIAsia to see church leaders maturing in their spiritual standing, increasing in the knowledge of the Word, developing leadership abilities and ministry skills and setting an example for their members in growing spiritually. ELIAsia seeks to:

  1. Stimulate growth of believers to Christ-likeness through studies that integrate theology, life and ministry by providing practical service opportunities with accountability.
  2. Encourage church leaders to continue to know God’s Word and grow spiritually, and be effective in ministry.
  3. Provide accountability necessary to maintain quality and encourage maximum growth and development.
  4. Provide flexible training options for the development of pastors, leaders and members.

To meet the leadership training needs of Evangelical churches nationwide, ELIAsia has made its training programs accessible to church leaders wherever they are located.  A host church located in a major city, accessible to many in a particular area, is designated as a training center and as such will be the site of the program offering.  Courses will be offered at the facilities of the host church.

The various programs are composed of theological and ministry education courses.  For flexibility on the part of the teachers and the students alike, only one or two courses will be offered per quarter based on the schedule approved by the host church.  Each course (unless otherwise indicated) has a total of 20 hours distributed into 10 two-hour sessions.  A certificate or diploma will be awarded upon completion of each training program.

As a way of allowing flexibility, written assignments and required reading will be given ahead of the discussion.  Students are expected to have made full preparations before the actual classroom discussion.  This way, topics that are usually included in a regular baccalaureate course will be discussed in a shorter period.

The discussion of each course will be complemented by a mentoring component, where students are encouraged to integrate the academic instruction into ministry application.  Each student will be assigned to a mentoring relationship with pastors or fellow church leaders (peer mentoring) during their participation in the program.

The ELIAsia training centers are located inside host churches that have the capacity, resources and facilities for operating an extensive training program, and that have been officially recognized and identified by the Institute.  As local church-based, the program occurs in an in-ministry context with the participation of the local church.

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ELIAsia will ascertain that the academic standard it has set will be followed by the training centers and will help field qualified instructors to teach various courses.  Academically qualified and credentialed professors will teach the courses included in the programs. These teachers are also church practitioners actively ministering in local churches.