
  • Newsletter

    ELI Asia Newsletter Q2 2024

    The recent donation of 46 copies of Wayne Grudem’s “Systematic Theology” and 9 copies of “The Law and the Gospel” to ELI Asia marks a significant contribution to theological education and resources within the organization. Known for its thorough examination of Christian concepts, Wayne Grudem’s “Systematic Theology” is a priceless tool for pastors and students looking to gain a better grasp of their faith. This will surely expand ELI Asia’s academic and spiritual resources, leading to a more comprehensive theological program and ultimately benefiting the broader Christian community. The inclusion of “The Law and the Gospel” will offer important insights on how the gospel message and biblical law interact. These…

  • Articles,  News,  Newsletter

    ELI Asia Newsletter Q1 2024

    “The training of a local church leader involves various elements to equip individuals for their role. This includes engaging in in-depth biblical studies to gain a strong foundation in scriptures. Leaders also delve into theological principles and beliefs through the study of doctrine. Skills such as hermeneutics and exegesis enable leaders to accurately interpret and understand the Bible. Local church leader training also includes learning the principles of Christian ministry, including pastoral care, church administration, leadership, discipleship, evangelism, worship, and practical aspects of serving a congregation effectively.” – Pastor Nicky Joya Are You Looking for Biblical Equipping? Evangelical Leadership Institute Asia seeks to enable Christian leaders to acquire theological and…

  • Newsletter

    83 Reformation Study Bibles from Ligonier Ministries to ELI Asia!

    It’s truly a blessed day when ELI Asia receives Reformation Study Bibles from Ligonier Ministries. 83 copies of the Reformation Study Bible Compact Edition were entrusted to us to be distributed to pastors and workers of the different campuses of ELI Asia. Praise the Lord!  We cannot even begin to describe how important this is to the work ELI Asia is doing here in the Philippines. These Bibles will become tools in teaching pastors and faculty how to be equipped biblically thus helping them to oversee and teach the local churches entrusted to them. Evangelical Leadership Institute Asia seeks to enable Christian leaders to acquire theological and ministerial education equivalent…

  • Newsletter

    ELI Asia Newsletter Yearend 2023

    Dr. Hans F. Bayer, Professor of New Testament at Thirdmill talked about how the Holy Spirit empowered the ministry of the Gospel. He said: “As the apostles advanced the mission of the church, their work on the frontiers of the kingdom was consistently confirmed by dramatic outpourings of the Holy Spirit. Through the Spirit’s power, the Gospel spread unhindered from Jerusalem to Judea, and Samaria and to the ends of the earth. Even today, the power of the Holy Spirit is the only means by which the church can be transformed and effectively spread the Gospel, we too must seek to depend on the Spirit’s power if we are to…

  • Newsletter

    ELI Asia Newsletter 2023

    God is good. God is faithful even when we’re not. God is sovereign in good and in bad. ELI Asia as a teaching organization is never immune to trials and testing. The truth is that because of its desire to equip and teach local pastors and leaders to become biblically sound, its leaders and teaching faculty are often tested for their faithfulness to do the work entrusted to them by no less than God. God gives the desire to teach and this gives ELI Asia, a faculty composed of learned pastors who strive to endure and persevere to be able to teach the local church and various campuses. As God…

  • News,  Newsletter

    ELI Asia | Year in Review

    2022 has been a busy year for ELI Asia. God has enabled us to continue His work of teaching pastors and lay leaders. You see, the purpose of ELI Asia is to develop biblical leaders for the local churches, our priority are those in the provinces. To bring biblical and affordable theological studies to Pastors who are already on the field but do not have the means, the resources, and the time to send themselves to seminary. But God in His goodness has blessed us this year with two more campuses in Metro Manila. We pray that the Lord will help us grow numerically but more important than that, we…

  • News,  Newsletter

    ELI Asia Newsletter | May-August 2022 | Issue 02

    ELI Asia cannot fully equip a local church if its leaders are not supportive of what it does, “to develop biblical leaders for the local church.” That’s why we are truly blessed that God has added another to our growing family. Community Bible Church of Marikina is a church that desires for their members’ true spiritual growth, one that can be achieved by providing them with biblical equipping. We praise the Lord for the privilege to partner with them. As its initial offering, the campus will conduct Hermeneutics. Our ministry of providing affordable ministerial and theological training to pastors and lay leaders are made possible by the financial support of…

  • Newsletter

    ELI Asia Newsletter | Jan-Apr 2022 | Issue 01

    Just like that! We have breezed through the first quarter of 2022 with so much work to do in the coming months ahead of us. We are in awe of how God continually sustains and provides for ELI Asia and its campuses. He has been gracious to us in so many ways and it’s only April! For the past three and a half months ELI Asia campuses have begun facilitating more than 1 subject in the various campuses. God has raised up men, teachers in training to help Pastor Nicky provide biblical instruction to students, pastors, and lay leaders. Our campus in Sta. Rosa, the Ezra Institute of Theology, has…

  • Newsletter

    ELI Asia Newsletter | Issue 02|2021

    Time is unbelievably fast. It seems only yesterday we entered 2021 and now the year is almost over. Yet despite that, work in the ministry has never been this fulfilling. Maybe we didn’t feel the time passing because we’ve all committed ourselves to growing in knowledge, learning the Word of God in-depth, and teaching others about what we learned. 2021 for ELI Asia is nothing short of a victory. This year has been so fruitful and the campuses have been busy, desiring to learn continuously. Our campus in Sta. Rosa, the EZRA Institute of Theology was able to complete Hermeneutics, Old Testament Surveys 2 and 3 and have just finished…