Training a thriving Evangelical Church in Bangsarmoro Region, Mindanao

Dear Prayer Partners,

Praise God for the wonderful privilege of ministering to the brethren of Word of Salvation Movement Center, which is a local church in Lanao del Sur from April 26 to 28. The province is under the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region, and is predominantly Islamic. However, right at the heart of it is an evangelical church that is thriving and is looked up to by many Muslims.

I have been given the opportunity to train its leaders (April 26-27) and preach to the congregation yesterday, Sunday (April 28). It was a great delight for me to have led the leadership team in a seminar on Spiritual Leadership in the Church. The participants were so thankful for us to have traveled far to equip them.

It seems that by next year, Lanao del Sur will be part of my itinerary since they are inviting me to conduct trainings with their leaders.

Thank you for sustaining us with your prayers.


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