• News

    Campus Highlights June 2022

    Our ministry of providing affordable ministerial and theological training to pastors and lay leaders are made possible by the financial support of individuals and churches. Every seed that is sown is used to fulfill our mission of equipping leaders for effective church ministry. FOR LOCAL DONORS Donors in the Philippines may deposit their financial gifts to the Triune Biblical Asia, BPI Family Savings Bank, Better Living Branch, SA 6253-1824-05. FOR USA DONORS Donors in the US may send their checks to World Ministries P.O. Box 491656 Leesburg, FL 34749-1656. Please write the designation for your gift on the memo of your check (i.e. ELI ASIA) You may also choose to…

  • News

    ELI Asia San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan Campus Has Reopened!

    Praise God our ELI Asia campus in San Jose del Monte, Bulacan has officially reopened last June 17th! After two years of hiatus, the campus returned with the course, Spiritual Leadership in the Local Church– a subject designed to equip present and potential church leaders on the biblical basis leadership in the local church. What a delight it was to see pastors and alumni eager to see their school resume its ministry there. Almost fifty attended with pastors bringing their lay leaders with them. We are also offering another course subject, Hermeneutics (Principles of Biblical Interpretation) for new enrollees. This will be held in another local church in the area.…

  • Newsletter

    ELI Asia Newsletter | Jan-Apr 2022 | Issue 01

    Just like that! We have breezed through the first quarter of 2022 with so much work to do in the coming months ahead of us. We are in awe of how God continually sustains and provides for ELI Asia and its campuses. He has been gracious to us in so many ways and it’s only April! For the past three and a half months ELI Asia campuses have begun facilitating more than 1 subject in the various campuses. God has raised up men, teachers in training to help Pastor Nicky provide biblical instruction to students, pastors, and lay leaders. Our campus in Sta. Rosa, the Ezra Institute of Theology, has…

  • News

    Campus and Training Highlights

    We are growing and the grace of God continues to sustain us. May you continue to pray with us, our teachers, and our students as we labor in developing biblical leaders for the local church. Our ministry of providing affordable ministerial and theological training to pastors and lay leaders are made possible by the financial support of individuals and churches. Every seed that is sown is used to fulfill our mission of equipping leaders for effective church ministry. FOR LOCAL DONORS Donors in the Philippines may deposit their financial gifts to the Triune Biblical Asia, BPI Family Savings Bank, Better Living Branch, SA 6253-1824-05. FOR USA DONORS Donors in the…

  • Newsletter

    ELI Asia Newsletter | Issue 02|2021

    Time is unbelievably fast. It seems only yesterday we entered 2021 and now the year is almost over. Yet despite that, work in the ministry has never been this fulfilling. Maybe we didn’t feel the time passing because we’ve all committed ourselves to growing in knowledge, learning the Word of God in-depth, and teaching others about what we learned. 2021 for ELI Asia is nothing short of a victory. This year has been so fruitful and the campuses have been busy, desiring to learn continuously. Our campus in Sta. Rosa, the EZRA Institute of Theology was able to complete Hermeneutics, Old Testament Surveys 2 and 3 and have just finished…

  • Articles

    A Biblical Pastor

    It’s Pastor’s Appreciation Month so I thought I should write something about it before the month ends. I also thought it would be good to ask a handful of my friends what a biblical pastor is so I sent them messages and my question went like this:  What is a biblical pastor? Please do not research. I want to see what comes to mind right off the bat. And these are the answers I got: “Biblical Pastor: Apostle Paul..cause I’m currently studying Philippians” “A biblical pastor lives by and preaches the word of God.” “He (not a woman ) must feed & tend the flock of God. He must teach…

  • Articles

    The Necessity of Hermeneutics

    “Hermeneutics? You want to teach Hermeneutics? Why? Even those in seminary have a hard time understanding that! No, that is not for the church, let’s just focus on practical lessons.” Have you ever heard a Pastor or an Elder of a church say something along those lines? Maybe you are a pastor who had the same mindset or maybe still have this kind of thinking? Or maybe, just maybe, you are a member of a church who doesn’t see the necessity of proper biblical interpretation? What Is Hermeneutics? According to Elliot Johnson, author of Expository Hermeneutics: An Introduction, Hermeneutics is the “science and art of textual interpretation. It uses principles…

  • Articles


    The Eastern Lightning Cult is a new religious movement founded by Zhao Weishan.1 This quasi-Christian group centers in the end-time revelation of the female Christ and submission to her words penned in The Word Appears in Flesh, their sacred literature.2 Well-funded, highly organized, and discreetly tactical, this group has gained millions of followers in Mainland China and began to expand beyond the country’s borders. Its doomsday message and rapid recruitment ploy coupled with threats, deceptions, and violence have raised an alarm not just towards Chinese government but also to international media. The underground evangelical church, its main target, issues updates through its website, describing the devastations its spying members have…

  • Newsletter

    God is faithful won’t you agree?

    Thank you po, I didn’t know that my views are not biblical, ang dami ko pong natutunan. Those are priceless words. No matter how tired a teacher of the Word may be, at the end of the day, these words will surely remind him to keep going. We need to remember that people don’t naturally desire to grow in the knowledge of God, even more so to spend time diligently studying the Bible. We are just simply too busy with our lives that time spent communing with God has been viewed by most professing Christians as an extracurricular activity. If you say you are a follower of Christ and have…